Sunday, December 14, 2008

i love christmas :)

I love Christmas, this time of year is so joyful and exciting, and this year is our first year to celebrate Christmas with our 9 month old Drew and I cant wait! After Thanksgiving we go pick out a tree at the tree farm and I cant wait until Drew gets older and he can pick our tree out and I love adding an extra stocking onto the fire place and Santa comes! Here are a few pictures of Christmas so far... :)

Drew and I at the tree farm

Drew and Andy at the tree farm

The huge Santa my mom and dad bought for Drew....he sings and dances
Drew pushed the button for Santa to start singing, he didn't know what to think
Our tree with our stockings :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

It has been too long...

Ok, I promise I will post tonight or tomorrow...I have some Christmas pictures that I want to put up, but I cant do it now because I am at work and my pictures are on my computer at home. I hope everyone is doing well and having a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand......

I just started leading worship in youth on Wednesday nights and I'm not the best singer in the world, but I told them I don't mind doing it as long as I don't have a microphone :) So on my way home yesterday I was listening to the music we had plan on singing and one of the songs was Praise You in this Storm by Casting Crowns, and as I was singing it, the words "every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand.." came out of my mouth I just started to cry and I just realized how BIG our God is!! I've sung that song so many times and have typed it on power point and never noticed the part "every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand..." and it hit me hard, I just thought about all the tears I've cried over the past 24 years, I have had painful, hurtful, and joyful tears.....and my God has held every one in the palm of His hand....WOW!! That is just crazy to me....I thought of how when Drew was in the NICU and I couldn't hold him, I cried for days all day....and to think the Lord held all those tears and He was telling me "Michelle let me be who I am and let me do what I do and you just sit there" and when I did the Lord healed him....I will tell that story later on.....but God is so awesome and bigger than I could ever imagine....all I could do yesterday while I was crying was thank Him for everything and thank Him for blessing me way more than I would ever deserve. If you ha vent ever just sat down and listened to the song I encourage you to do so....the words are powerful....

Be blessed


Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've been tagged!

Stacy has tagged me, but I will probably not tag anyone, because I still don't know too many people on here and the ones I do know have already done something like this, but I will do my 7 random facts about me :) it was hard for me to think of this because I cant think of 7 things....but here are a few things i thought of....

1. I love honey! I put honey on everything and if I don't have any then I just don't eat it, Andy tells me to just keep some in my purse but I've done that and it leaked, so there went that idea...

2. I've been to South Africa for missions 

3. I would love to have like 10 kids, some adopted

4. I was in labor for 33 hours....way too long! 

5. I married a man (Andy) that for 6 years I told everyone that I would never marry him.....God has a funny sense of humor and Andy never gave up on me :) 

6. I'm hooked on Vicks Vapor Rub...when I was pregnant with Drew I got sick and had a stuff nose and couldn't breathe and ever since then I have to put it on my nose, lips and throat every night before bed (Andy doesn't care for that too much)...and the puffs with Vick's are the best!  

7. I love purses! I have a closet full and I like to change at least once a month 

Hope you enjoy ;) 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Truly blessed

Well, I've been tagged so my next post will be that. Thanks Stacy! :)
Today I went to the doctor for an ultrasound and....well let me back up, when I was 6 weeks pregnant they found a blood clot that was bigger than the baby and right next to the baby, so I had to go to a specialist and this was my second visit to him...anyway, back to my the doctor was looking and couldn't find anything, so the blood clot is gone! Praise Jesus! It made our day and i was telling Andy how we were so blessed and I was thinking about the past few years of my life and just thought about how God puts everyone together for a reason, so I found some older pictures on my computer and wanted to post a few from when he proposed to me and our wedding day.....we were married in May and found out we were pregnant in July with our first baby and now I'm pregnant again and we've only been married a year and a half!! Wow!

The night Andy proposed :)

Andy's work truck :)
My wonderful bridesmaids :) I always liked this picture

Monday, November 10, 2008

I had a wonderful weekend, Andy was off all weekend and his sister came in town to visit and see Drew. Drew spent the night with her and Andy's parents Saturday night so we had a relaxing night at home. I can't believe my baby boy is growing up so fast! He is 8 months old and crawling everywhere! And he stood up in his bed Saturday morning! I was so excited! He is getting his own personality and has the sweetest smile that will just melt you heart. I cant believe I will be having another baby in May, its so crazy to me to think of what will I do with two of them! Busy Busy Busy!! I never thought being a mommy was this much fun and its truly a blessing! Hope u have a wonderful day :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Starting Over

Well, I had a blog before, but I never wrote anything so I deleted it and I am trying again :) So here I am with my first post and hopefully going to continue to write more, now....let me go ahead and tell you I was not an English major and I hated English, so please ignore my errors and incorrect sentences :) I will post more later but just wanted to give a little intro today :) Hope u are having a blessed day :)
