We had Drew's 1st birthday a few weeks ago and it is so crazy to me to think he is 1, it has flown by so fast, my little baby boy is growing up! On his birthday andy and I were playing back all that happened that day and then when he was in the NICU we were thinking of those days, and just thanking the Lord for what He had done. Drew is such a blessing to us and I dont know what our life would be like without him, when we have days that arent going well, we just look at him and he has that smile on his face that makes it all better :) here are a few pictures of our baby boy :)
Andy and I with Drew....I know I look bad, but after 33 hours of labor there just isnt much you can do about it....but it was worth it :)
Drew in the NICU...its funny because when I look at his NICU pictures, I can still have that sense of smell from the room, it didnt stink, it just had a smell to it that I remember like it was yesterday
Drew's birthday cake :)

opening presents :)

he had his birthday outfit on the day of his birthday :)