I just started leading worship in youth on Wednesday nights and I'm not the best singer in the world, but I told them I don't mind doing it as long as I don't have a microphone :) So on my way home yesterday I was listening to the music we had plan on singing and one of the songs was Praise You in this Storm by Casting Crowns, and as I was singing it, the words "every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand.." came out of my mouth I just started to cry and I just realized how BIG our God is!! I've sung that song so many times and have typed it on power point and never noticed the part "every tear I've cried, You hold in your hand..." and it hit me hard, I just thought about all the tears I've cried over the past 24 years, I have had painful, hurtful, and joyful tears.....and my God has held every one in the palm of His hand....WOW!! That is just crazy to me....I thought of how when Drew was in the NICU and I couldn't hold him, I cried for days all day....and to think the Lord held all those tears and He was telling me "Michelle let me be who I am and let me do what I do and you just sit there" and when I did the Lord healed him....I will tell that story later on.....but God is so awesome and bigger than I could ever imagine....all I could do yesterday while I was crying was thank Him for everything and thank Him for blessing me way more than I would ever deserve. If you ha vent ever just sat down and listened to the song I encourage you to do so....the words are powerful....
Be blessed
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Hi!! Thanks for commenting on my blog!!
I love this post....I LOVE that song, but haven't really "heard" that part before. I've heard it with my ears, but just never thought about what it really means! Thanks for that reminder!
This is kind of along the same lines as something we saw at church last night. This guy in Houston was delivering a message on the universe. He should pictures from all over the solar system --billions of lightyears away. He pointed out that earth is just a tiny speck in all of that great big universe that our God created. Sometimes we think that the world revolves around US, when really we are just a teeny, tiny vapor. It showed just how BIG God really is. We all need a reminder sometimes!
Sorry--I didn't mean to go on and on like this (you don't even know me--HA)
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Great thoughts, girl!! And kudos for leading worship. =) So proud of you! I know that's not easy especially while pregnant and so busy/tired all the time. God will bless your obedience, just like He did in speaking to you through this song. Which is an amazing song by the way, I agree. Thanks for sharing with us!!!
I love your post Michelle! I love that song too..I always brings me to tears...I love it when the Lord shows you something new and brings something close to heart. He is so good to us! :) P.s. Yay for leading worship...I may secretly set up a microphone though next time! hehe!
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